About Us

Little about US
Aarbee Natural Wellness Ltd. was founded and registered in 2003 by Dr Rakesh Sharma and Dr Babita Sharma, to share their integrated knowledge of Allopathy and Ayurveda and demonstrate the healing power of traditional and natural herbal medicine.
A brief about manufacturer:
Ayush Herbs INC. is known reputed name for selling quality organic herbal products since 1988, because they have their own farms in India, where they could oversee every crucial step of each plant’s life cycle, from the planting of a tiny seed to the harvesting of mature herbs ready to be prepared and made into supplements. Since then, Ayush Herbs®’s herbs have been grown in the pristine Himachal Pradesh region of the Himalayas, where indigenous plants have been used in centuries of Ayurvedic tradition.
Ayush Herbs, Inc. bases its formulations on traditional Ayurvedic combinations and contains herbs grown naturally in their pristine Himalayan habitat, without the use of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Their Ayurvedic products carry certifications in organic and kosher practices, as well as ISO practices and U.S. Food and Drug Association Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). More information please click: https://www.ayush.com
Maintaining the quality of products and services is at the core of Aarbee Natural wellness. As a distributor of professional-grade supplements we demonstrate our commitment to public safety by adhering to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) as described by Health Canada.

Where can you buy from?
You can buy directly from us or from one of your wholesale retailers!

- Aarbee Natural Wellness Store
- Medpure Natural Pharmacy